Budgeting for Estimated Taxes

Budgeting for Estimated Taxes

Whether you’re a private individual or a business owner, you know you have to pay taxes every year ⁠— but did you know that you may also have to meet quarterly deadlines for estimated tax payments, based on what you expect to earn this year? With the help of local...
A Brief 2018 Tax Return Guide for Small Business Owners

A Brief 2018 Tax Return Guide for Small Business Owners

Small business owners should be aware of the variety of taxes they need to pay as required by the Internal Revenue Service. The expert McAllen CPA, Abigail Y. Murray, wants to share some valuable tax information with small business owners just like you. The Tax Cuts...
2018 End-of-Year Tax Tips for Business Owners

2018 End-of-Year Tax Tips for Business Owners

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is in full effect this year, which means eligible businesses will be able to take advantage of a variety of new deductions, including a 20% deduction of qualified business income for pass-through entities like sole proprietorships,...

Introducing Drive Through Tax Returns

COVID-19 is putting extreme financial stress on many. Murray & Kirchner, LLC is here to help while being mindful of our client’s health and safety. Effective immediately, we are implementing MKCPA Drive Through Tax Returns. Email pdf files of your tax...
How Does R&D Tax Credit Help Start-ups Offset Payroll Taxes?

How Does R&D Tax Credit Help Start-ups Offset Payroll Taxes?

In the past, start-ups that weren’t paying federal income taxes were eligible for Research & Experimentation (R&D) tax credits, but were then expected to follow through with them for their corporate and/or shareholder tax returns until they could offset their...