Inside the VCFO’s Toolbox: Income Reports

Inside the VCFO’s Toolbox: Income Reports

Since we’ve opened the toolbox to see what a Cash Flow Report looks like, let’s look around at some of the other tools in the bag. There’s one called an Income Report, and it has the word “Profit” on it! Will our vCFO be using this tool at all? Of course! What Is an...
Dealing With Taxes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dealing With Taxes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The majority of people who file taxes end up receiving a refund every year. However, if you fall under the percentage of filers who owe the IRS money, you may be wondering how to resolve the situation amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. While this process is...
Understanding Cash Flow: How a VCFO Can Help

Understanding Cash Flow: How a VCFO Can Help

When it comes to running a small business, strong cash flow is crucial. Business owners tend to underestimate how important managing cash flow is for their business’s success. Your cash flow helps you monitor and understand your business’s liquidity, flexibility, and...