5 Common Challenges Small Business Face

5 Common Challenges Small Business Face

Starting a small business comes with many challenges. But even after you have gotten your company off the ground, maintaining it can be even more challenging. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that about 20% of businesses fail in their first year and about 50% of...

Introducing Drive Through Tax Returns

COVID-19 is putting extreme financial stress on many. Murray & Kirchner, LLC is here to help while being mindful of our client’s health and safety. Effective immediately, we are implementing MKCPA Drive Through Tax Returns. Email pdf files of your tax...
How Does R&D Tax Credit Help Start-ups Offset Payroll Taxes?

How Does R&D Tax Credit Help Start-ups Offset Payroll Taxes?

In the past, start-ups that weren’t paying federal income taxes were eligible for Research & Experimentation (R&D) tax credits, but were then expected to follow through with them for their corporate and/or shareholder tax returns until they could offset their...